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KW21A Series Connectors for EV Charging

The global shift toward EV (electric vehicles) adoption is accelerating rapidly, and many countries are making plans to establish infrastructure for fast charging. JAE has been developing the KW Series for EV charging infrastructure since 2010, when EVs started to gain popularity, and has continued to bring connectors compliant with various standards, including the CHAdeMO*2 standard, to market. In order to respond to the demands of the global market, we have released the KW11 Series connectors to support CCS Type-1 fast EV charging infrastructure.
The KW21A charging cables from JAE are designed to be IEC 62196-3 standard compliant charging cables. These charging cables are designed for up to 40A or 80A solutions, enabling compact, light and flexible designs to be integrated into any low power DC Charger.


To fit these patterns, EV Chargers are required in every location where electric vehicles will be present, including homes, offices, urban areas, EV Charging Hubs, and highways. The EV Chargers power and functionality can be optimised for each location’s specific requirements.



Bidirectional Charging

The extended connection between the electric vehicle and the electric vehicle charger to enable bidirectional charging has been at the forefront of the connector design.

KW21A is compatible with the latest standards, including the latest requirements for vehicle to grid (V2G).

Light Weight and Flexible

Using innovative plastic housing and flexible cabling enables the light-weight connector to be easily maneuvered and mated.

Durable and Highly Weather Resistant

Utilising a double insulation connector design ensures durability and robustness of the KW21A connector during daily usage.

Elegantly Compact

An optimised ergonomic grip design and exit angle supports seamless integration into compact electric vehicle chargers for tight parking spaces.


Superior operability
Connection to the EV is made by pushing the connector into the EV inlet, and is removed by pushing the release button and pulling the connector, allowing for easy operation.
Also there is a mated/unmated indicator on the top of the grip, so if there is mis-mating an indication for incomplete mating will be shown.
Light and easy usage
Main body of the connector is approximately 1kg, lightest-class-weight in the industry.
In addition, working together with our subcontracting companies the employed cable is flexible and lightweight, achieving excellent operability.
Easy maintenance
The connector sidewall is also a detachable cover.
Even during an unlikely event, such as if the connector does not unmate, quick and direct confirmation and maintenance can be done on-site by detaching the sidewall.
High reliability and safety
An electrical locking method is used to prevent the connector from unlocking during charging. And, in addition to the mated/unmated indicator, the position of the latch is detected electrically to prevent unmated charging
Durable and highly weather-resistant
Passed severe durability tests required for UL certification such as drop test and Vehicle Over Drive, in which the product is run over by a vehicle weighing two tons.
The metal parts of the main components of the connector are stainless steel, and highly weather-resistant material with low degradation from ultraviolet rays and moisture is used for the outer mold.



  • DC Charger for EV (CCS Type -2 Compliant)
  • Vehicle to Grid (V2G) DC Chargers
  • Bidirectional DC Chargers  


KW Series Catalogue Download